mac을 초기화하거나, 새 맥북이 생겼을 때 터미널 세팅을 하기 위한 기록용도 겸 정보공유 1. iterm2 설치 2. homebrew 설치 공식사이트 $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" 3. zsh 설치 $ brew install zsh 4. oh-my-zsh 설치 github $ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" 5. oh-my-zsh agnoster 테마 적용하기 Power..
mojave os / xcode 10.1 에서 npm install 도중 node-gyp 관련 에러발생 There will be other errors nearer the end, almost certainly issues with the module you're trying to install or a dependency. Please report the error to that project. 1. command line tools 설치 확인 설치가 안되어있다면 요기서 다운 2. xcode select 설정 $ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ 출처
We, 9 (nineShow) regards your information significant and release this Privacy Statement to inform you what information we collect and how we use it to personalize and continually improve you experience. This Privacy Statement applies to its services which collect data from you and does not apply to the product or service that which does not link to this statement or has its privacy statement re..